Emergency Procedures
Bomb Threat

It has been clearly proven that the vast majority of these calls are indeed false alarms, meant only to disturb the normal work of a person or company. However, at no time should any call be regarded as just another false alarm. The following guide will be useful. When a call is received, there are several things to do:

  1. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible.
  2. If possible, signal a co-worker to dial 911. Tell the 911 operator to have the call traced. Be sure to use the address of 101 North Wacker when speaking with the 911 operator.
  3. Obtain as much information from the caller as possible.
    1. Time bomb is to explode.
    2. Location of bomb.
    3. Description of bomb.
    4. Time call is received.
    5. Exact wording used by caller. Write it down if possible.
    6. Voice of caller (male, female, dialect, etc.).
    7. Reason for threat.
    8. Background noise.
  4. The Bomb Threat Telephone Report which follows this section may be useful in helping you record exactly what the caller is saying.
  5. After the caller has hung up, call the Office of the Building at 315.525.8100 immediately to report the threat.
  6. Inform your Floor Captain of the situation.
  7. The Floor Captain, their Emergency Preparedness Team members, and the Building Staff will make a complete search of the suspected area. It will be the responsibility of the Floor Captain to identify any suspicious items or packages which do not belong in the space. If a suspicious item is identified, the Chicago Police Department police will then investigate the object.
  8. Building staff personnel will search the buildings command areas, restrooms, stairwells, vacant spaces and building closets.
  9. The decision to evacuate is ordinarily left to the tenant unless physical evidence of a bomb is found.
  10. If you determine that your employees and visitors are in imminent danger -- and you cannot reach the Office of the Building by telephone in a reasonable length of time -- you may determine it prudent to exercise your independent judgment and move or evacuate your personnel without being given specific routes to follow.

Should the Building or another tenant receive a bomb threat, you will be advised and informed of any specific details. You may then decide whether you will evacuate.

Physical Evidence of a Bomb:

In the event that you discover an item that you suspect to be a bomb, do the following:

  1. Call 911 and advise the Chicago City Police Department. Be sure to use the address of 101 North Wacker when speaking with the 911 operator.
  2. After phoning the Chicago Police Department, contact the Office of the Building immediately at 312.525.8100.
  3. Do not touch the item in any manner.
  4. Do not use radio equipment to transmit messages.
  5. Inspect your work area, but do not touch or remove any suspicious objects.
  6. If you determine that your employees and visitors are in imminent danger -- and you cannot reach the Office of the Building by telephone in a reasonable length of time -- you may determine it prudent to exercise your independent judgment and move or evacuate your personnel without being given specific routes to follow.

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